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Transform Your Life by Releasing What Holds You Back

Hi there, I'm Pao Ortega, founder of Endorfina, and I used to be exactly where you are. Struggling with crippling depression and feeling utterly stuck, I knew there had to be a better way. That's when I discovered the power of SRT

SRT - Subconscious Release Technique  is a life-changing technique that has helped me and countless others achieve lasting positive change.

Break Through what holds you back with SRT         one on one Sessions!

Find your purpose!

Lost & Unconnected? Uncover your purpose and align with your authentic path.

Move Forward

Stuck & Unmotivated? Release limiting beliefs and break free to achieve your goals

Finding Peace!

Stressed & Anxious? Release the emotional energy behind anxiety and find lasting peace

SRT- Subconscious Release Technique, is a clearing technique that instantly clears mental and emotional blocks from the subconscious mind and energy field


  • Increased energy!

  • Mental Clarity

  • Focus

  • Break free from anxiety and low energy!

  • Peace and Happiness!!!

    Peace and Happiness!!!

    Peace and Happiness!!!

  • Here's how SRT works!

    • From 0-18 years old we create our programs (experiences and after that we keep repeating those programs

    • The purpose is to identify the subconscious beliefs that are creating negative patterns in your life that are attached with your emotions

    • These emotions have an impact in your brain, and the brain releases chemicals that make us react in certain ways that we don't want .

    • The goal is to cut the attachment between the negative program and the negative emotion through an effective breathing technique, and at the end reprogram our subconscious mind with new information

    • This allows you to create new, empowering beliefs that will propel you forward.

    What My Clients Say About Me

    These are some of my clients I have worked with personally and have helped them to get the to next level 

    Customer Name

    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam"

    Customer Name

    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam"

    Customer Name

    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam"

    Ready to experience the transformation for yourself?

    • Here's what you can expect:

      • A personalized approach: We'll work together to understand your unique challenges and goals.
      • A safe and supportive environment: Feel free to share openly without judgment.
      • Lasting results: You'll learn tools and techniques to maintain your progress

    Try Out Our Monthly Packages If you are ready to unblock your life and reach out HAPPINESS, TAKE ACTION AND ENROL NOW!

    Choose From The Options Below And Save Big

      1 Single Session

    • Feel different since the first session!

    • Increase energy

    • Improve your Mental clarity and Brain focus

    • live a happier life


    Buy Now!
    One payment of U$175

      Package of 4 sessions 

    • live the impact of this experience faster

    • Increase energy

    • Improve your Mental clarity and Brain focus

    • live a happier life


    Buy Now!
    One payment of U$600

    Reserve Your Place Now and Get these FREE Bonuses

    Bonus #1 - Smoothie Recipe Book

    Make your life easier and start your day with energy!
    Total Value: $47.00

    Delicious recipes that give your mind and body the right fuel in less than 5 minutes!

    Bonus #2 - Recorded Affirmations

    Recorded affirmations for abundance, prosperity and love

    Total Value: $39.99

  • Change your negative thoughts patterns into positive ones

  • Influence your subconscious mind to access new beliefs

  • Motivate you to act

  • Improves your self- esteem

  • Improve your productivity

  • When repeating affirmations over and over again, they begon to take charge of your thoughts, slowly changing your patter of thinking and ultimately changing your life.

  • Bonus #3 - Template to track your Progress

    Total Value: $39.00

    Tracking helps you figure out where you’re currently at, which is the first step in figuring out whether you’re making progress

    Bonus #4 - Everyday Transformation Class

    Evergreen sessions for 2 Weeks in group
    Total Value: $150.00
  • Have an everyday accountability! You are not alone!

  • Establish measurable weekly goals, move forward and excel in your life

  • Learn and practice the power of breathing

  • Have more clarity, Untangle your brain and BE HAPPY!

  • Take Action Now and get ALL the FREE bonuses 

    With the reservation of your session with any plan we give you all the bonuses so that you can get the most out of the 123 Pao formula

    Book Now!

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